• [投票期間] 2005/06/08 〜 無期限
  • [投票数] 117票
Mario Ball Z
29.1% (34票/29.1%)
Mario's night with bowser
2.6% (3票/2.6%)
Resident Koopa OUTBREAK2
0.9% (1票/0.9%)
0.9% (1票/0.9%)
2.6% (3票/2.6%)
0% (0票/0%)
Mario Mishaps DX
20.5% (24票/20.5%)
Son of a Peach
12.0% (14票/12.0%)
Zombie Mario
4.3% (5票/4.3%)
Wario Gets Straight
0% (0票/0%)
Mario and the Wiggler
0% (0票/0%)
Mario's Mistake
1.7% (2票/1.7%)
Mario VS Sonic 2001
5.1% (6票/5.1%)
Mario VS Sonic THE LOST ENDING 2002
2.6% (3票/2.6%)
Super Mario Shorts
0.9% (1票/0.9%)
Super Mario Gaming World
2.6% (3票/2.6%)
Plumbers Rhapsody
2.6% (3票/2.6%)
The System is Down
12.0% (14票/12.0%)
